Ann Arbor, MI 48104,USA

Author: nolando

Connected Strength Training

How Muscles Work (Part 2 of 2)

This is the second of a two part series explaining how muscles work. In this first article we describe the gross structure of skeletal muscle; in the second article I describe skeletal muscle ultrastructure and how muscles develop tension. Skeletal Muscle Ultrastructure Highly technical and sophisticated techniques that include electron microscopy, x-ray diffraction, histochemical staining,…
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Strength Tracking Sensor Performance Validated Against More Expensive Solutions

New strength training research was presented on Friday July 12th at the NSCA national conference in Washington DC. Research from the University of Toledo compared the accuracy of ShapeLog’s low-cost retrofit sensor with the isokinetic Biodex device found in human performance labs around the globe. Data from ShapeLog’s portable, retrofit device was compared to data…
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Comparison: Force Profile from Weights vs Resistance Bands

The most common way to train for strength is to use weights, and whether you use free weights or selectorized weight stack machines the experience felt by the body is similar. Moving a fixed mass against the force of gravity is a familiar routine to our muscles. After all, this phenomenon happens every time we…
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Measuring Force with ShapeLog’s ShapeSense Select

I have had long conversations about ShapeLog’s ShapeSense Select (Select) only to later realize that an important feature (THE most important feature, really) is not understood. The sensor doesn’t just measure motion. It also measures force! When the Select is slipped onto a cable or belt an arm on the UST redirects the cable such…
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Definitive Guide to User Identification in Connected Strength Training

Friction kills retention. So every company selling a fitness experience is obsessive about minimizing friction. Strength workouts are more varied than cardio workouts – you’re moving to different stations constantly – so there are more ‘check in’ points. Checking in = friction. All that friction adds up to a crappy experience that only the most…
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Passive Data Collection: Monetizing the Other 90%

Less than 10% of the members at my gym take active steps to track their workouts. When it comes to fitness technology products, I observe two realities: First is a theoretical world where technology is ubiquitous. Humans and robots seamlessly interacting, pushing ever closer toward lofty, clearly defined goals. This theoretical world is what you…
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ShapeLog® IP Portfolio Continues to Grow: New Registered Trademarks

ShapeLog’s name and mark are now registered trademarks with the United States Patent & Trademark Office. We’d like to thank Joseph Morrison‘s team at Bodman, who initiated the project and saw it through with support from Automation Alley. The trademarks are the latest addition to ShapeLog’s growing IP portfolio. It’s another indication of the unique story…
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How Dan Allen Uses Strength Training Data to Motivate His Clients

As we discussed in our previous feature on brining group fitness to strength training, motivating clients can be a big struggle in the eyes of a personal trainer. The lack of immediate results becomes a reason for some to leave the gym for good, and showing hard work in a way that is measurable can…
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Group Training Meets Strength Training: Bringing Group Fitness to the Weight Room

Our vision for ShapeLog has always been to deliver an experience unlike any other in the field of strength training. And one message that we can’t push enough is how useful a tool like that will be for personal trainers. Personal training isn’t an easy job. With challenges finding unique fitness services to sell, and…
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Data-Driven Workouts with Drive Fitness

We love talking about what other people are doing in connected strength training. That is why we are excited to introduce you to Tom Driver, creator of Drive Fitness. Tom has been hard at work getting his software up and running, and we think that his vision for the future of weight training is something that simply can’t go unshared. “I have always…
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