Data-Driven Workouts with Drive Fitness

We love talking about what other people are doing in connected strength training.
That is why we are excited to introduce you to Tom Driver, creator of Drive Fitness. Tom has been hard at work getting his software up and running, and we think that his vision for the future of weight training is something that simply can’t go unshared.
“I have always seen the possibility of Smart Tech in the gym.”
And that leads perfectly into what Drive Fitness is. Really cool strength training technology. Tom’s App, which is currently in beta testing, tracks user data and presents personal improvements in a point system he wittingly names, Gains.
“Data drives the next workout. Once the user tracks all their work for several weeks they can easily take a step back tosee what we have laid out next for them to make improvements.”
It’s a neat idea and surely one that puts the driving factor in Drive Fitness. Gains motivate users to break higher and higher records to earn their points, increasing in difficulty with each mile-stone achieved. This idea of scaling difficulty is something Tom sees as a way to effectively push users harder in the gym. Gains are then displayed in a leader board seen by friends for an added layer of competition, or simply observed to log personal progress.
“Currently, there is a gap in the market for weight training.”
We see this gap too. Second only to walking, weight training is the #1 form of physical exercise. Yet with over 50,000 personal tracking devices on the market, why is it that none of them can accurately track and inspire all that work we do at the gym? That is why we have such high hopes for Drive Fitness and its ability to provide users with an experience that motivates them to work harder, and achieve a healthier way of living.
Tom Driver is currently seeking beta testers to trial Drive Fitness before its September release. To participate, download the app below.
Follow Tom on Facebook and Instagram to stay updated on all Drive Fitness news and progress.