How Dan Allen Uses Strength Training Data to Motivate His Clients

As we discussed in our previous feature on brining group fitness to strength training, motivating clients can be a big struggle in the eyes of a personal trainer. The lack of immediate results becomes a reason for some to leave the gym for good, and showing hard work in a way that is measurable can seem a difficult, if not impossible task.
That is why we wanted to continue our theme of the trainer’s perspective with another dedicated member of the Anytime Fitness training crew, Daniel Allen. Dan has a long history in the business of motivated fitness, from coaching middle-school, high-school and recreational sports teams, to providing personal strength and wellness training. As such, we thought Dan was the perfect candidate to discuss some of the big challenges with present day strength coaching, and how ShapeLog provides a solution.
Dan recognized the biggest challenge in his day-to-day operations as a personal trainer.
“Motivation. I have clients willing to commit to year long training programs. But their motivation falls off when they can’t see the results they are looking for right off the bat. They feel lost.”
Demonstrating those immediate results is something Dan identifies as the unmeasurable variable in fitness.
We get it. Everyone wants to see immediate progress. And when the hard work they did at the gym doesn’t show itself in the mirror the next day, it can be a discouraging experience. But luckily for trainers like Dan, ShapeLog has a solution. With the help of universal strength tracking technology, progress that once took months to see, can now be viewed instantaneously.
“The thing I like about ShapeLog is that you can set measurable goals. It is no longer how you feel about working out, but you can actually see progress and determine if you are hitting those milestones.”
Dan experiences the benefits that strength tracking brings to the gym on a daily basis. Training clients using weight machines equipped with ShapeLog’s universal strength tracker, Dan is able to use data reports as a means to depict user progress. This ability to see a measurable representation of their fitness journey is something that Dan uses as a motivational tool to help his clients train harder, live better, and importantly for Dan, return for more sessions.
“People are always surprised by results they weren’t expecting. It’s confirmation that they are on the right track. The impact of ShapeLog for clients is like having a personal trainer right next to them, reassuring them that their efforts are producing progress.”
We want to make life easier for trainers like Dan. Our mission has always been to provide data that can inspire clients to continually interact with their local gyms and training services. Having this data readily available for personal and group training programs, awards the ability to see those immediate results.
Check out our previous conversation with trainer Janelle Lodermeier to learn more ways how ShapeLog can enable trainers.