Ann Arbor, MI 48104,USA

Tag: strength training

Connected Strength Training

Blood Flow Restriction for Strength Training in Older Adults without High Loads

Research Review: Blood Flow Restriction Allows for Strength Training in Older Adults without Requiring High Loads

Centner C, et al. (2019) Effects of blood flow restriction training on muscular strength and hypertrophy in older individuals: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Sports Med;49:95-108. Introduction Applying tourniquets or inflatable cuffs at the proximal portion of a limb–referred to as blood-flow restriction (BFR)– during low-load (LL) [20-to-30% of one repetition maximum (1RM) resistance training…
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Group Training Meets Strength Training: Bringing Group Fitness to the Weight Room

Our vision for ShapeLog has always been to deliver an experience unlike any other in the field of strength training. And one message that we can’t push enough is how useful a tool like that will be for personal trainers. Personal training isn’t an easy job. With challenges finding unique fitness services to sell, and…
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“Rate of Force Development” – How Advanced Metrics Blur Line Between Fitness and Healthcare

In 2012 the Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy published a research study showing “Rate of Force Development” (RFD) is more accurate than traditional strength metrics in determining recovery and readiness for return to sport after ACL injuries. This makes intuitive sense, right? Every athlete knows injuries (or re-injuries) are most likely to happen…
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How Much is the World’s Best Strength Training Data Set Worth?

It depends, of course, on what we (and you) can do with it. Value of data maps to the value of the products and services built on the data. To create experiences people love, the data should be: Broad. Because fitness preferences are fragmented. Deep. Because if you know interesting things, you can build stickier…
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Strength Tracking Hardware Design “Lookbook” for Fitness Equipment Manufacturers

ShapeLog’s patented strength tracking sensors and one-of-a-kind API provide the foundation for standardized strength training data. Our boards and data hubs are now available to select manufacturing partners. The new ‘lookbook’ provides a detailed description of how the sensors can be used in the field. In some cases ShapeLog will bring these finished products into…
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How My Cross Country Team Started Using ShapeLog

ShapeLog’s “Team Strength Day” program started as a brainstorming session:  How could I incorporate my own experiences and ShapeLog’s technology? I am a high school cross country runner that sat out half my junior season because of an injury. The injury was not from a fall during a distance workout, but a strength training class…
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Introducing the “8-week ShapeLog Challenge”

ShapeLog is launching a new program at Anytime Fitness: The “8-week ShapeLog Challenge“ Here’s what to expect: Janelle – your favorite trainer and group fitness instructor – is redesigning the workout curriculum (total body workout, fresh format) Group workouts will take place Monday and Wednesday evenings for eight weeks starting 9/11. Space in each cohort is…
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ShapeLog CEO Describes Future of Strength Training on the Fitness + Technology Podcast

This interview originally appeared on the Fitness + Technology Podcast website, and is available for free on iTunes. In case you don’t know the Fitness + Technology Podcast, here’s an introduction: The Fitness + Technology Podcast is the #1 trusted resource for the accelerating world of fitness technology for club owners, operators, and fitness professionals. Each week,…
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Case Study: How Evidence-Based Strength Training Builds Stronger, Healthier Fitness Communities

The summary of results is below, but you can download the full report here: Case Study: Evidence-Based Strength Training  About This Report We all know exercise is important, but few of us know what the heck we’re doing at the gym. For twelve weeks, ShapeLog tracked the workouts of fifty normal people, and used the data…
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